Friday, January 22, 2010

The 1st semester

Global Ed English has improved my writing skills by so much from the time I wrote my first day Memoir to now. When I first wrote my memoir on the first day of high school, I just wrote down what went on that day. What I didn’t know was that an essay like that shouldn’t just be what happened in every class that day, but what is one interesting event that went on that first day. Also when we would read weekly articles and have to write a short essay on how we felt about it, it really helped me concentrated on what I wanted to say and get out my point. I never knew that a paper had to have a thesis, supports that would support your thesis, and a conclusion that would sum up the whole paper and tell where you stand on something.

We did a lot on Rwanda and the genocide that happened over there. I never knew how genocide could happen, but I learned that the genocide that happened was caused by many groups of people. Like the MRND who set up a radio broadcast that told all the Hutus to kill the Tutsi. I didn’t just learn who started it but who could have stopped it. Like the UN, they could have stopped it but once 10 of their men died they pulled themselves out. When we were going over Rwanda we had a debate and that really taught me that you can learn from other peoples point of view and what each organization did during the genocide. Also with “The Man in the Well”, you learned from other peoples opinions, but you would never know the right one.

I really liked the blogs we did in this class. The topics are what made it interesting. The one that I really liked was my “Winter Wonderland” because it was one of my best blog’s and it thought me that you can have a really good paper when you know what you’re talking about.

Over all I have learned a lot this year more than I can write but these are the key ones that really helped me become a better writer. This is just one semester and I’m looking forward to the next one. By the end of the year I am hoping to be an even better writing then I am now.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Where Would I Want to Live During Colonization

South Africa would be the best place to live during colonization.

As a native in South Africa they were in orders by the Dutch. The Dutch would make them work for food and other things they would need to survive. Yes they were slaves, but what they had to do back than is no different than what we do now. When you get older and no longer rely on your parent’s money for food and clothing. You have to find a job to earn that money to get those things. That’s what the natives had to do in South Africa back than. They might not have gotten money but they would get food for their labor.

The worst place to be a native during colonization is in Rwanda. Rwanda had many problems back than that would lead them up to genocide. Who would want to be a native when genocide was going on and people all around you are being killed? Not knowing if you are going to be alive the next day is something I do not want to experience.

Friday, January 8, 2010

My 15th Birthday

Why can’t Christmas break last forever? My Christmas Break was good, but now it’s time to get back to school. Even though Christmas Break is over I still have all the good memories that happened.
When Christmas time comes around it's my favorite time of the year. When you hear Christmas songs playing wherever you go and everyone is excited for the holiday cheer. Another reason why I love Christmas is because my birthday is five days before Christmas day and this year it was a pretty good birthday. It was the 19th of December and I was just relaxing at home with my family. We were watching the movie “Hangover” when all of a sudden I heard the door bell ring. My mom tells me to go answer the door with a smirk on her face and right then I knew something was going on. So I answered the door and standing at the door was my friend Liv. I still had no idea what was going on. I asked what was going on and they just laughed at me. A couple minutes later came walking in all my old friends from St. Mikes Allie, Morgan, Shelby, Kiley, Becca, Brenna, and Shannon. I was so surprise that I had no idea what to do. Whenever we all get together we always have a good time.
My mom brought down a bunch of food and pop for us. We all stared to catch-up with each other and talking about our experiences so far in high school. We laughed for hours and than me, Allie, Brenna, and Shelby went up to my room and played basketball on our knees. We did this every time they would come over my house.
My mom than called us to the kitchen for presents and cake. My mom handed me a present from my whole family, I was hoping it was an ITouch. When I opened it up it was I digital camera, it not an ITouch but it’s still a good present. The next present I opened was from Allie and Becca; they got me at really cute shirt. Everyone else got me gift cards and money. After opening present we had cake and the cake was from DQ. Which is the best place to get a cake; it was an ice cream cake so it had six different sections. One was snickers, another was M&M, the other was Butterfinger, and Heath, and Oreo, and the last one was Brownie. It was delious and after we ate our cake we went back down stairs and had the best time ever.