What is your favorite tv show? My favorite tv show ever is Friends. There is no other tv show that can top it. It had so many hilarious people in it, and some of the best actors and actresses. I have seen every episode that was made and I love them all, and I have four out of ten seasons.
My favorite characters are Phoebe and Joey. I love Phebbe becasue she is so out there and says what ever comes to her. Shes always doing something that makes me crack up every time. Their is not a episode that I have seen that she does not say something hilarious. As for Joey he is the dunbest one out of the whole gang and never knows what they are talking about. Like when Ross would use air quotes, Joey had no idea what air quotes ment. So for everything he would say, he would use air quotes. Like one line was he said SORRY with air quotes. there was this one episode when Joey bought one encylapedia to try and make himself smarter but that didn't work out so well.
Friends is my favorite tv show and will always be my favorite. I could watch them over and over again and not get sick of them. I wish Freinds went on longer than it did because Monica and Chandler just got twin babies and Ross and Rachel were finally going to be together. If you never watched an episode of Friends i stongly encourage you to watch an episode and i promise you will love it.