Friday, April 16, 2010

Does my Head Look Big in This?

Amal Mohamed Nasrullah Adel-Hakin is a Muslim teenager who has decided to become a full timer at wearing the hijab, but her parents are making her go to a private school. Her parents are worried about the principal not letting her wear it because of the different religion, but Amal’s religion isn’t really any different than the religion at the private school which is Catholic. So do you think that Amal should not be allowed to wear her traditional hijab that represents her faith?
Amal’s religion still believes in God and Jesus, they just don’t believe that Jesus was God or the son of God. They believe that Jesus was one of the mightiest prophets of God, and performed miracles with God’s permission. So if Amal still believes in the God and Jesus and the same miracles he made than why would this be such a big thing for a Muslim to come to this kind of private school? The Principal believes that Amal with create a huge controversy with the school board and the Catholic Church. It’s not like Amal is going to try and change the students mind about being a catholic, she just wants to practice her own religion.
When Amal first started at this new private school she was afraid that the students were going to be calling her names because she chose to wear the hijab, like towel head. Once Amal met a couple students and she became really good friends with them she didn’t care about what anybody else thought. In fact all the student were really curious to learn about Amal’s religion. Including Adam, the guy she has a huge crush on. Amal is a normal teenager, with regular teenager problem, the only thing that is different from her and other teenagers is that she chose to wear a hijab and she should have to be treated differently because of it.

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