(My other good paper)
The U.S. should not sell weapons to Taiwan. Instead the U.S. should limit our imports that we receive from China.
Limiting the amounts of imports we receive from China, will show them that the U.S. are in control and that we are not backing down. Currently the top three imports from China are electrical machinery & equipment, power generation equipment, and toys and games. The act itself of reducing the amount of these imports will show China we mean business. This would also be a good thing for the U.S. because instead of depending on China to make a majority of those goods will allow the U.S. to create more jobs by producing them here.
By reducing the top three imports the U.S receives from China will make China take notice and the U.S will not need to involve innocent countries, such as Taiwan and Tibet. The U.S is China’s number one consumer of their products. China depends on the U.S. to buy their goods to make them the number one export country. The U.S. dollar is worth more in China and this is one of the reasons why China’s economy is up. So you see this is exactly what we want to happen, to prove to China that we are in control. This will make them rethink their position on the climate change agreement and the new Security Council sanction against Iran.
Many people believe that selling the weapons to Taiwan is a good move to get China’s attention, but it isn’t. Selling weapons to Taiwan will put China in control as this will allow China the power to make the next move. By giving them the control this will make them not want to agree on the Climate Change and the new Security Council sanction against Iran. If the selling of arms happens this could cause major conflicts between Taiwan and China. So by limiting the top 3 imports from China rather than selling weapons to Taiwan would be a better choice.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The Big fish
(my good paper)
Edward Bloom becomes immortal by becoming the big fish because his stories are passed down after him.
Edward’s family kept his stories alive after he passes by Will telling his children the stories that Edward told him. In the movie, Will Bloom said “a man tells so many stories, that he becomes the stories. They live on after him, and in that way he becomes immortal.” Edward had a story for everything that happened in his life. When Will was a child Edward would tell Will these stories. Once Will was older he realized that the only way his father communicated with him was through stories. When Will had children I realized the only way of telling his children about their grandfather was through Edwards stories. Will’s children loved the stories just like Will did when he was a child, and Will’s children loved them so much they would tell their friends the stories. Will passes these stories of his father’s life down to his children and by passing them down Edward Bloom never dies, he becomes immortal.
Edward’s family wasn’t the only ones you kept his stories alive, his friend also did too. When Will was at his father’s funeral he noticed all of the people that were there were the same people mentioned in his fathers stories. At the end of the funeral ceremony Will hears Norther Winslow telling the stories that Edward has told, but when Will looks around he sees that everyone is telling the stories of Edward Bloom. You might think that Edward Bloom turns into the big fish because it completes his life, but he turns into the big fish because his friends and family never forget his stories that he has told them.
Edward Bloom becomes immortal by becoming the big fish because his stories are passed down after him.
Edward’s family kept his stories alive after he passes by Will telling his children the stories that Edward told him. In the movie, Will Bloom said “a man tells so many stories, that he becomes the stories. They live on after him, and in that way he becomes immortal.” Edward had a story for everything that happened in his life. When Will was a child Edward would tell Will these stories. Once Will was older he realized that the only way his father communicated with him was through stories. When Will had children I realized the only way of telling his children about their grandfather was through Edwards stories. Will’s children loved the stories just like Will did when he was a child, and Will’s children loved them so much they would tell their friends the stories. Will passes these stories of his father’s life down to his children and by passing them down Edward Bloom never dies, he becomes immortal.
Edward’s family wasn’t the only ones you kept his stories alive, his friend also did too. When Will was at his father’s funeral he noticed all of the people that were there were the same people mentioned in his fathers stories. At the end of the funeral ceremony Will hears Norther Winslow telling the stories that Edward has told, but when Will looks around he sees that everyone is telling the stories of Edward Bloom. You might think that Edward Bloom turns into the big fish because it completes his life, but he turns into the big fish because his friends and family never forget his stories that he has told them.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Animal Bracelets

Is this situation of banning these Animal Bracelets or Silly Bandz getting a little silly? Schools are banning these bracelets because they are a distraction in class, like schools in Texas and in New York. For those of you that don’t know what animal bracelets are, they are these colorful bracelets that are in the shape of an animal, shapes, automobiles, and many other designs. Some even glow in the dark, but do you think these bracelets should be banned at school? I think banning these bracelets is silly. I was at a basketball tournament thins weekend, and me my basketball team decided to go to the mall to waste time before our next game. When we got there, there was stand that was just selling these animal bracelets. Most of my team went nuts, but I and a couple others said to our selves “are you kidding me!” I didn’t even now that these little bracelets were such a big thing and now they are getting banned because they are a distraction during class. I would understand banning them in elementary school because the little kids would probly be playing with them during class, but banning them in middle schools and high schools is ridiculous. I honestly don’t understand why people like them so much, it’s not like you can see the design when it’s on your wrist. When it’s on your wrist it just looks like a regular bracelet. I have a friend that is obsessed with these Animal Bracelets, and she was on my basketball team when we went to the mall. She was the one that crazy. There must have been a thousand of these bracelets that were all scattered everywhere. So my friend asked how much they were individual, and the lady told her that she can just take two for free. I couldn't believe how excited she was, and after she took two we had to go back there before we left so she could get some more. Maybe after seeing how obsessed my friend was, I could see why they would ban these Animal Bracelets, but I still think it’s silly.
Friday, May 7, 2010

What is your favorite tv show? My favorite tv show ever is Friends. There is no other tv show that can top it. It had so many hilarious people in it, and some of the best actors and actresses. I have seen every episode that was made and I love them all, and I have four out of ten seasons.
My favorite characters are Phoebe and Joey. I love Phebbe becasue she is so out there and says what ever comes to her. Shes always doing something that makes me crack up every time. Their is not a episode that I have seen that she does not say something hilarious. As for Joey he is the dunbest one out of the whole gang and never knows what they are talking about. Like when Ross would use air quotes, Joey had no idea what air quotes ment. So for everything he would say, he would use air quotes. Like one line was he said SORRY with air quotes. there was this one episode when Joey bought one encylapedia to try and make himself smarter but that didn't work out so well.
Friends is my favorite tv show and will always be my favorite. I could watch them over and over again and not get sick of them. I wish Freinds went on longer than it did because Monica and Chandler just got twin babies and Ross and Rachel were finally going to be together. If you never watched an episode of Friends i stongly encourage you to watch an episode and i promise you will love it.
Friday, April 30, 2010
I kept hearing that Simun was really fun, but when I it started I didn’t really like it that much. It could have been because my country had nothing to do with any of the discussions. I had Cuba as my country, it’s not allowed to having really any connections with other countries and its only ally was Venezuela and that country wasn’t in my group. So as you can see it was hard to figure out what my country would say about these issues.
Like I said before my country didn’t have anything to do with the discussion we had, so I don’t think I did very good. I gave a speech ones and I’m sure it was bad and I probly opened my mouth ten more times during those whole three days. I’m sure if I had a different country that was actually involved with the issues than I probly would have done and ok job. Whenever I was in a cactus I was left out of the discussion because my country had nothing to with the issue, so no one would ask me what I thought about the topic. It was hard for me to think of questions to ask the delegates and the things I was going to say were always said before I could say it.
I think I was really prepared for Simun. I knew all about the topics and it also helped that the topics we had were ones we talked about a lot in class. The only problem was that I didn’t know what my country would say about it. I think we should have done more practices in class for procedure and a practice issue. I got as much stuff on Cuba’s history but the info didn’t really help me.
Next year I hope I get a country that is actually involved with the issues. I will be able to participate more and able to ask questions, answer questions, and give speeches. Next time I will get as much information on my country as I can. Maybe next time I will be able to write a resolution if my country is involved. I might not have had the best experience with Simun this year but I hope I do next time I will.
Like I said before my country didn’t have anything to do with the discussion we had, so I don’t think I did very good. I gave a speech ones and I’m sure it was bad and I probly opened my mouth ten more times during those whole three days. I’m sure if I had a different country that was actually involved with the issues than I probly would have done and ok job. Whenever I was in a cactus I was left out of the discussion because my country had nothing to with the issue, so no one would ask me what I thought about the topic. It was hard for me to think of questions to ask the delegates and the things I was going to say were always said before I could say it.
I think I was really prepared for Simun. I knew all about the topics and it also helped that the topics we had were ones we talked about a lot in class. The only problem was that I didn’t know what my country would say about it. I think we should have done more practices in class for procedure and a practice issue. I got as much stuff on Cuba’s history but the info didn’t really help me.
Next year I hope I get a country that is actually involved with the issues. I will be able to participate more and able to ask questions, answer questions, and give speeches. Next time I will get as much information on my country as I can. Maybe next time I will be able to write a resolution if my country is involved. I might not have had the best experience with Simun this year but I hope I do next time I will.
Monday, April 26, 2010
If the U.S. occupied Pakistan to secure nuclear materials we might not have to worry as much of getting attacked again. Pakistan is the most unstable and dangerous country in the world, and if we had control over their nuclear materials then the Al-Qaida couldn’t get a hold of these nuclear weapons. Right now the Al-Qaida is about 60 meters away from the nuclear base in Pakistan. So if we took control over that base we could chase the Al-Qaida away or even capture them. The nuclear material is secured, but the government isn’t. So if the U.S. did get control over their nuclear base there would be a better chance that the Al-Qaida won’t get a hold of it.
At any moment the Al-Qaida could somehow get a hold of those nuclear weapons by bribing the government or even taking it over. If they do get a hold of those nuclear weapons guess who their going to come after, the U.S. Since it is very rarely that the U.S. will get control over Pakistan’s nuclear base it might be easier in stopping the transportation of the material. If the Pakistani government is not strong enough then the U.S. should try and give them assists.
At any moment the Al-Qaida could somehow get a hold of those nuclear weapons by bribing the government or even taking it over. If they do get a hold of those nuclear weapons guess who their going to come after, the U.S. Since it is very rarely that the U.S. will get control over Pakistan’s nuclear base it might be easier in stopping the transportation of the material. If the Pakistani government is not strong enough then the U.S. should try and give them assists.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Does my Head Look Big in This?
Amal Mohamed Nasrullah Adel-Hakin is a Muslim teenager who has decided to become a full timer at wearing the hijab, but her parents are making her go to a private school. Her parents are worried about the principal not letting her wear it because of the different religion, but Amal’s religion isn’t really any different than the religion at the private school which is Catholic. So do you think that Amal should not be allowed to wear her traditional hijab that represents her faith?
Amal’s religion still believes in God and Jesus, they just don’t believe that Jesus was God or the son of God. They believe that Jesus was one of the mightiest prophets of God, and performed miracles with God’s permission. So if Amal still believes in the God and Jesus and the same miracles he made than why would this be such a big thing for a Muslim to come to this kind of private school? The Principal believes that Amal with create a huge controversy with the school board and the Catholic Church. It’s not like Amal is going to try and change the students mind about being a catholic, she just wants to practice her own religion.
When Amal first started at this new private school she was afraid that the students were going to be calling her names because she chose to wear the hijab, like towel head. Once Amal met a couple students and she became really good friends with them she didn’t care about what anybody else thought. In fact all the student were really curious to learn about Amal’s religion. Including Adam, the guy she has a huge crush on. Amal is a normal teenager, with regular teenager problem, the only thing that is different from her and other teenagers is that she chose to wear a hijab and she should have to be treated differently because of it.
Amal’s religion still believes in God and Jesus, they just don’t believe that Jesus was God or the son of God. They believe that Jesus was one of the mightiest prophets of God, and performed miracles with God’s permission. So if Amal still believes in the God and Jesus and the same miracles he made than why would this be such a big thing for a Muslim to come to this kind of private school? The Principal believes that Amal with create a huge controversy with the school board and the Catholic Church. It’s not like Amal is going to try and change the students mind about being a catholic, she just wants to practice her own religion.
When Amal first started at this new private school she was afraid that the students were going to be calling her names because she chose to wear the hijab, like towel head. Once Amal met a couple students and she became really good friends with them she didn’t care about what anybody else thought. In fact all the student were really curious to learn about Amal’s religion. Including Adam, the guy she has a huge crush on. Amal is a normal teenager, with regular teenager problem, the only thing that is different from her and other teenagers is that she chose to wear a hijab and she should have to be treated differently because of it.
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